I’m selling for a friend
There is no box
70€ including shipping !
Wow the edge of the blade is totally fucked up ! No one is going to make an offer at that price.
Ça t’empêcheras pas de jouer
ça c’est clair, mais à ce prix…
Yes i know ,
Neither i would like it for myself, i only like to buy new items…
But remi is right , it doesnt affect the game , the rubbers glue normally on it ,
Also 8€ is the shipping so basically i sell it for 62€ ,
Maybe someone wants this to test how timo boll zlc plays and then sell it and buy new one or better condition …
Yes I get it, is was just my initial reaction when I saw the worst picture
But it can be ok pour some people.
Someone who might wants to test how timo zlc plays ?
45+ shipping