Chinese Trials WTTC 2017

references des videos en questions stp ?

Trop dinguo le dernier point de FZD…

Dans le best of de FZD, j’ai par moment l’impression que ses adversaire se sente complètement dépasser par la vitesse de la balle notamment à la moitié de video (3min).

avec la musique !

4 « J'aime »

c’est le side-spin rpb à 1’42" ? incontrolable, à mi-distance il me semble que XX est vraiment le meilleur.

Ce que j’aime avec les Chinois c’est que leur processus de sélection est incroyablement long et compliqué… et qu’à la fin tu as Ma Long, Fan Zendhong, Xu Xin et Zhang Jike dans l’équipe.

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c’est du Chinois :upside_down:

Ca permet surtout que leurs “tenors” :

  • ne se croient pas intouchables
  • se maintiennent à un niveau élevé

Là c’est la qualif pour les championnats du monde en simple.
Combien seront qualifiés à la fin ?
Il y a 5 joueurs par nation qui peuvent être inscrit, mais 3 joueurs participent réellement à la compétition en simple
Juste une exception pour la nation qui recoit qui a droit à inscrire 6 joueurs :wink:

De ces trials, je crois que par “respect” (sauf blessure) :

  • Ma Long est qualifié d’office en tant que tenant
  • Zhang Jike aussi (mais je ne sais pas à quel titre)

après il y a le(s) 1-2 meilleurs des trials et/ou 1-2 choix des coachs

Je ne crois pas qu’ils soient qualifiés pour les championnats du monde. Ils sont qualifiés d’office pour le round final des sélections, si j’ai bien compris.

Après faut pas déconner, si Ma Long ou Fan Zendhong ne sont pas qualifiés par le biais des sélections ils seront choisis par l’entraîneur.

Par contre j’en suis moins certain que cela reste vrai pour Zhang Jike qui a montré un niveau moins stratosphérique que les autres monstres. Reste que si je devais parier, je parierais sur sa qualification grâce aux sélections.

“Each Association shall be entitled to enter 3 men and 3 women
players in each singles event, with one additional player ranked in
the top 100 and one additional player ranked in the top 20 of the
ITTF World Ranking list issued in January 2017 to a maximum of 5
men and 5 women. The maximum entry for each association is 2
men’s doubles, 2 women’s doubles and 2 mixed doubles; all players
may be different.”

Le max, c’est bien 5 et non 3… (enfin si le 5 ème joueur que tu choisis est dans le top 20, mais je ne crois pas que ce soit un problème pour les Chinois! :joy:)

Relis bien ce que j’ai écrit :wink:

Je ne vois pas où tu lis que seulement 3 joueurs vont effectivement jouer en simple. Je ne comprends pas comme toi

Petit bilan des qualif avant le 3ème tour, par le maître Liu Guoliang :grin:

D’après un asiatique, sur le forum de ping anglais, cela donne cela en traduction :

"The performance of FZD and XX is normal. They did not show the purpose of competition. They did not set the standard high enough. They have not tried to win it all, or simply aim to loss one.

XX had tried something new but little had changed. His style is a bit outdated. Time to raise an alarm. What needed to do next, especially after the new ball with strong countering. How he can survive the next cycle.

Some players are pretty good. Such as Xu Chenhao, Liu Dingshuo. They showed the fighting spirit and the will to win which helps a lot in their higher than expected ranking. And Zhou Yu is good too.

As for the last two ranking players Wang Chuqin and Yu Ziyang, they not only loss the matches, but the spirit is just so negative. A player should be always alert no matter when he is playing, going for the towel or picking up the ball. You can blame WCQ for his age but it is the body of YZY that matters. Not tight, slack like a kid. Should practice with Team B in third floor, or even Women Team in 5th floor. Not strong enough in Men’s competition.

Coach Team hold the decision to pick 2 players. One is for the purpose of unforeseen injury of top players. Second is observation and training of new players. If you can impress your coaches, we will give you a quota, another chance of trials and training. Only a small group can go to WTTC, but this is a chance you have to grab, to fight, then the next, and next till your success.

Let’s talk about ZJK, from trials in 2010 to his win in the final of WTTTC. He grab the chance to beat WLQ. At that time, XX, ZJK and ML beat the big three WH, WLQ and Ma Lin in trials. Then they fight for the 2 tickets to WTTTC. You need to fight for your chance, not be given by me. The same goes to you all. ZJK grab the chance and won in 2010 WTTC, 2011 in WTTC, and finally London Olympics and became Grand Slam Champion. That is one step after another no less.

ML on the other hand was ahead of ZJK in 08 and 09, but he loss 0:2 to Timo in 2010 WTTTC. In that final ZJK won and ML loss. In 2011 WTTC ML loss to WH in semi. So there is no more chance for ML in 2012. No Single in London after losing that 2 matches. But from 2012 to 2016, ML did not loss to foreigners no matter big or small. That is he grab his chance one after another, then another till 2016 and became Grand Slam Champion. They traveled the same route. Any young player has this dream? confidence? persistent spirit? ambition? I see it only in FZD. LJK has some but still far behind.

You can’t waste your chance. Wasted and you will be punished. Grab the chance then you can grab success. It is up to you. I see progress in LJK after CTTSL. I keep an eye on him. But suddenly all gone after losing to Liu DIngshou and Fang Bo. Proceed by rank 1 and rank 4 is not the same in the eye of coaches. We observe you and your future.

As for Shang Kun, we see your effort after so many years. You are not bad. Any one will be scared facing you. You are quite balance. But always loss the initiative in critical moment. Why? When everyone is fighting for their life, you play like a dumb who did not make a single noise. People will think you are here playing chess. No sound or expression no matter win or loss. You should give it to yourself, some encouragement, confidence. Try to release yourself.

Stage 3 will be held from 3rd to 10th of March in Shenzhen. We spend a lot of thinking to make it the highest standard. They named you “Strongest 12 on earth”. I don’t dare to boost but they did, after all no one can easily beat us. We want ZJK and ML to prepare well and be their best for Stage 3. Any match with you 2 are the highest level everyone want to see. The rest 10 players need to beat them and grab the two tickets to WTTC. Just like the way they grab their tickets back then. It is the only way to survive. You can’t expect to wait for them to retire and take their place. See what Lin Dan is doing. ZJK won’t retire unless you beat him. ML won’t give you his place unless you beat him."

2 « J'aime »

Comme @decompte, c’est bien noté que pour les simples il y a un maximum de 3 joueurs par pays + 1 supplémentaire si un joueur du pays dans le top 100 + 1 autre supplémentaire pour un joueur dans le top 20.

Au total 5 joueurs et joueuse pour la Chine.

Et pour les doubles et doubles mixtes, c’est deux pairs au maximum.

Maximum 5 men players:
Austria, Belarus, Brazil, China, France, Hongkong, Japan, Korea Republic, Portugal,
Chinese Taipei

D’ailleurs aux championnats du monde de 2015 en Chine, il y avait eu 6 chinois en simple car pays hôte : Ma Long, Zhang Jike, Fang Bo, Xu Xin, Fan Zhendong,Liang Jingkun.

Purée ça rigole pas ^^

2 « J'aime »

Il en impose. Du pur Liu Guoliang :slight_smile:

Même les meilleurs savent qu’ils doivent se donner à fond , que rien n’est acquis et qu’ils doivent mériter leur place.

Ils ont les meilleurs joueurs, mais aussi le meilleur coach :relieved: