Nouveau bois DEF chez Andro (après notamment le Fibercomp, le Parade et le Defcon)
Voici la pub : Bois Andro WANOKIWAMI - MIDORI - Defensive, Made in Japan
Wanokiwami - a unique project. Takeshi Wanaka, a Japanese carpenter with
_ the focus on processing noble woods and andro developers worked _
_together hand in hand. Wanaka, a well known greatness in his field with _
_many international awards, brings all his know-how of selection, _
_processing and bonding premium-wood into this project. The andro _
_development team has deliberately left a free hand to Takeshi Wanaka in _
_many respects to allow influences from another wood processing branch. _
_The andro development team has impressively accomplished to guide these _
_influences and ideas into the right direction and the result is a _
_qualitatively outstanding blade line. Promotion players, coaches and _ test players have confirmed this numerous tests with one voice.
_Wanokiwami Midori is the masterpiece of andro defensive woods. _
_Excellently processed, providing all comforts requested by defense _
_players. Wanokiwami Midori fulfills all wants of a modern defender. In _
_the development process focus was set on the balance between attack and _
_defense. The main goal was to create a blade that provides best control _
_at a moderate pace without suffering a loss of power at attacks. andro _
_Wanokiwami Midori mastered this balancing act with a pretty thick core _
_veneer covered by extremely thin intermediate and outer veneers. The _
_core veneer provides the power and the soft outer layers carry in the _ necessary feeling by stable control.
tu sais si tu compares les prix tu n’es pas si poin entre les marques, 109 pour l’Andro 100 pour les Butterfly et je ne parle pas du nouveau innershield qui est a 159, combien pour le victas def carbon? ça va etre la surprise… Que j’espère bonne bien sur, sur les bois de haute technologie il n’y a plus de barrière il va falloir s’y faire. Maintenant chaque chose a un prix, si la qualité suit et qu’on est satisfait au final tout le monde s’y retrouve.
là je ne pourrai pas t’aider ne connaissant pas la composition de l’andro, mais je serais bien tente par l’hadrawshield ou le victas matsuchita off mais là je te dis peut etre n’importe quoi???
C’est chiant parce que, si ça se trouve, c’est un bois génial. Et quand on regarde les prix de la concurrence (Butterfly, Nittaku, Victas…) il est completement dans la fourchette.